One Lovely Blog Award

Hello bookworms!

The amazing Alex from Coffee Loving Bookoholic and the great Anatomy of a Book Thief have tagged me for this very cute award! I had totally forgotten I’d be nominated for this two months ago (sorryyy), but I’m answering now. Better late than never? Both bloggers are so wonderful, check their blogs out and you’ll love them too ❤ Thank you both so much for the tag, I’m quite happy to have received the nomination ❤ ❤ (so much love in this post!! <3)



  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Share 7 facts about yourself
  • Nominate 15 bloggers and inform them of the nomination

1. I suffer from depression, anxiety and a mild form of obsessive-compulsive behavior. I’m fighting through it for over 10 years now and this year I started taking medication and doing therapy. I’ve improved so, so much, and I recommend it to anyone going through mental illness. If you think you might suffer from any of those things, send me a message, email, DM or whatever and we can chat about it ❤

2. I’m a leftie! Like Barack Obama, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Leonardo da Vinci etc. Let me know in the comments if you’re left-handed too!

3. I love writing and at age 9 I decided I’d be a writer. Because of life, I haven’t written in many years, but at 17 I used to take 3 months to finish the first draft of my books, which were YA urban fantasies and sci-fis.

4. I was OBSESSED with Lord of the Rings as a teenager, I drew the Middle Earth map 3 times and by the last time I could draw it by heart… also had a major crush on Legolas. (like all teenagers, I suppose). I kinda still have??

5. Also as a teenager (I seem to have had lots of free time), I kept a notebook with Harry Potter spells, organized alphabetically and with a short description of what they did. I have no idea where that notebook is now.

6. I love teddy bears. I just do, so much! They’re cute and fluffy and I name them.

This is Travolta, my sloth that got the moves like Jagger:

And this is Lady Macbeth, my lovely owl that looks over my books and silently judges my ever-growing pile:


7. I kinda own too many scarves. But each is special in their own way! How am I supposed to leave the house with a scarf that doesn’t match my outfit or the weather? Of course I need 4 blue scarves, each is a different blue and for a different kind of cold.

I nominate:

Noriko @ Diary of a Bookfiend

Maggie @ Fiction Mistress

Dani @ Mousaibookscom

Beth @ Reading Every Night

The Orangutan Librarian (do I tag you too much??)

Chelle @ Chelle’s Book Ramblings

Shanah @ Bionic Bookworm

Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books

Marianna @ Marianna’s Corner

Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile

Ms. Victorious @ Victorious Pages

Birdie @ Birdie Bookworm

Susan @ Susan Loves Books

Shar and Shanti @ Virtually Read



31 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Awww, what a cute post, Naty ❤ Congratulations and thank you so much for the nomination! I love your stuffed animals – they are so cute! And this post shows you what a kind, beautiful person you are. I love how you reach out to those who are battling with mental illness. I'm so proud of you, Naty!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the nomination! I’m adding this to my list 🙂
    I’ve been dealing with anxiety and OCD since I was a kid. It’s gotten to the point now where I know how to manage it on a daily basis. But when I get overwhelmed – there’s nothing to help me! Still working on it and probably will for the rest of my life. I’m so glad to hear that your therapy has helped!!! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. yay naty thanks for doing this! ❤️ i am so happy for you that you feel better and that you are so open about this! i am very proud of you!!! and yes! i have a lot of stuffed animals too and they all have names! and come on, there is no such thing as too many scarves! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks so much for the nomination. 🙂 I’ll have to think very carefully about what facts I come up with, but I loved reading yours. I love teddy bears as well, and your owl is so cute. Owls are actually my favourite animal so I have a few stuffed teddy ones guarding my books as well.
    Thanks again for the nomination. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. haha yes I totally had a crush on Legolas! And of course I was obsessed with LOTR too!! I have a fake one ring somewhere… actually funny you should mention cuddly toys- because I put it on an “evil” cuddly toy (long story 😉 ) I absolutely love teddies 😉 hehehe you can never tag someone too much- thank you so much!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award – Reading Every Night

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