The Sunday Snuggle Week 14 2019


Hello readers!

Sooo this week I got sick. Which is good news for my reading and not so great news for… everything else. I got my running training a bit off, my medication makes me sleepy and so on. But it’s ok! I’m better now and ready to get back on track! 🙂

This is the last Sunday Snuggle for the weeks, since I will be on vacation for two weeks and will not be able to update weekly. I’ve scheduled a lot of posts and substituted the Sunday Snuggles for other posts, reviews and so on 🙂 So you guys will definitely be provided for, I will just be late answering comments.

I got the following ebooks:

bottled goods sophie van llewyn the pisces melissa broder

And the following audiobooks:

praise song for the butterflies bernice l mcfadden my lovely wife samantha downing

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My Readings This Last Week

the falcon strikes gabrielle mathieu

I read The Falcon Strikes! This has been on my TBR for maybe a year now, and Gabrielle has been kind enough to send me this and the next book, too. It’s definitely an underrated series, honestly, it was so nice to jump back into Peppa’s world and find out more dark secrets about her family. I have mixed feelings about the Brazilian villain, she felt a bit stereotypical but also yay for Brazilian rep! And tbh I cheered for her at some point just because I felt she was so interesting. 3 stars.

swan song kelleigh greenberg-jephcott

I read Swan Song this week! I have a full review coming up for it, but suffices to say this felt way too long, but it was an interesting and fascinating read. It was too slow and sometimes it felt like nothing at all was happening. The writing was great, though! I recommend it in physical form instead of audio. 3 stars.

ordinary people diana evans

I read Ordinary People! Honestly, this book had some moments of brilliance and I was impressed by how deep it touched me. But I was also bored a lot of times (that first chapter, though!) and found myself having to re-read paragraphs because my eyes kept glazing over them, especially when it came to descriptions of places. 3 stars!

praise song for the butterflies bernice l mcfadden

I started Praise Song for the Butterflies! So far it’s an interesting read but not brilliant. It’s got a great rating though and a very interesting story, so I have high hopes still!

milkman anna burns

I’ve also started Milkman! I’m only 20 pages in, and so far it’s pretty intense and unnerving. I’m curious to see how it goes, but I’ll probably watch some children’s cartoon afterwards to get the tension and nervousness off my skin.

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How was your week? What did you read?

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