AWARD: Growing Self Blogger Award

Thank you so much to Noriko @ The Bookfiend’s Diary for nominating me for this very sweet award! When I read what you wrote on your post, I thought I was going to cry. You have a real talent for writing, and it shows both on your reviews and in your sweet words to me. You’re an awesome person and I’m incredibly lucky to be friends with you, talking to you makes me want to improve myself, to be better. Your blog has a distinct voice that will take you far. Thank you ❤

What is the Growing Self Blogger Award?

“The Growing Self Blogger Award has been created to acknowledge and celebrate amazing individuals, in the blogging community, who are persevering through life’s challenges not only to GROW as individuals, but to reach out and help others GROW as well.” ~Roda

How Does It Work:

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog
  • List the rules
  • Thank the individual that nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Describe the award and mention the creator: Roda @
  • Nominate up to 5 blogs. Remember, the purpose of this award is to specifically celebrate those individuals that make a difference in the lives of others.
  • Give 1 reason why you nominated each individual.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

Alex @ Coffeeloving Bookoholic

Dear Alex, your kind comments always make me smile! I admire so much your positive energy and the passionate way you write on your blog (which has such a cool name) with lots of personality and honesty. I will not forget how broadly I smiled when you left such sweet comments on my posts when I decided to take a break and how warmly you welcomed me back – I was actually quite touched. I hope to get to know you even better with time, you are such an awesome person and I would love to be friends with you!

Darque Dreamer @ Darque Dreamer Reads

Dear Darque Dreamer, I remember you were among the first blogs I followed, and you have been so supportive since! You made me feel welcome when I was (still am) new, and I appreciate it so much! You are a very thoughtful and kind person and I loved the message you left on my mental health break post! Also, you have a great taste in books and I’m always checking to see if I will get inspirations for my TBR! Your reviews are really great, and your blog is absolutely gorgeous! And your Instagram makes me drool…

The Orangutan Librarian

First of all, I love your blog so much! When I first accessed it I remember giggling and thinking “This is awesome, so creative!” You’re so funny and sweet, and your reviews are always honest without being unkind, and such fun to read! You always take time to leave kind comments and I appreciate it so much. I love your personality and your blog is an inspiration.

Katie @ Never Not Reading

I remember visiting your blog the first time, I was a newbie and I was so nervous to leave a comment to you! Hahaha Your blog looks so professional and I was afraid to come off as dumb. Anyways! I always get really great book recommendations to you (I still need to read Landline, but I LOVED Fangirl!), and you are always very sweet and positive, I admire you so much!

Shannah @ Bionic Book Worm

Your posts are always very interesting and thought-provoking, and I appreciate so much the thoughtfulness of the comments you leave! I find awesome your blogger spotlight posts and how you make an effort to give people a space to be appreciated. Thank you so much for making me smile and being such a great person!

It was difficult to choose just 5, so I might do this post another time with other great bloggers. My special mentions:

Stephanie @ Stephanie’s Novel Fiction

Steph @ Lost: Purple Quill

Birdie Bookworm

You are all amazing people and I wish you much success!

28 thoughts on “AWARD: Growing Self Blogger Award

  1. OMG naty, you’re making me cry!! these are such wonderful words, you have no idea how much they mean to me! ❤ ❤ ❤
    i'm so happy, that my words make you smile, this really makes my day! you are amazing and i am really touched about your words! 🙂
    and hell yeah, we're just getting started whoop whoop! blog friends forever 😀 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great post, Naty! This is simply amazing… I felt your love to all the bloggers you nominated and thank you so much for such sweet words about me! This is utterly incredible… but I can honestly say, this is such an amazing, wonderful, and beautiful award to both reflect our growth and love for other bloggers ❤
    I love this post and you totally deserve it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Noriko!! ❤ And thank you again for your sweet words about me in your post, I was so incredibly happy to read them! Yes, this award is awesome, I love that we're just spreading how much the people around us are wonderful. Spreading love in the world, one post at a time ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: The Miranda Sings Award – Growing Self

  4. You are such a beautiful person! Your words really touched me and I am so glad to be here to support you and your blog! I love reading your posts and communicating with you! Thank you so much for nominating me and making my day with what you wrote! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: The Black Cat Blue Sea Award – Bumper Edition! (cos I’m a crazy person who forgets to do tags) – the orang-utan librarian

  6. Pingback: Black Cat, Blue Sea Award – Birdie Bookworm

  7. Pingback: The Growing Self Blog Award – Darque Dreamer Reads

  8. Pingback: Awesome Bookish Stuff That Happened this Year | Naty's Bookshelf

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